PS3 v XBOX 360 v Wii
(too old to reply)
2008-08-05 20:14:57 UTC
I`d been in a similar position recently and have just opted for the Wii.
I`d been umming and ahhing between a PS3 and a 360 for a
while...although the 360 has the better back catalogue of games the
PS3`s blu-ray option was a big draw for me.
So why did I plump for the wii? I played one. Simple as that...I`m
knocking on a bit now and have found that recent next gen consoles have
wowed me with graphics but not really provided me with anything I
haven`t played a hundred times before. The wii is doing something new
and as a result giving me a hell of a lot more fun. I`m still tempted to
buy one of the others down the line...in truth I`m drawn to the PS3 for
it`s blu-ray capabilities but am holding out to see if more decent games
get announced. For now the wii is keeping me occupied just fine!
Curious what games hold your interest right now...
2008-08-11 15:24:22 UTC
The XBOX 360 has the most games for serious gamers. The PS3 may grow to
beat the XBOX at this but it will probably always be a close call.
Can I ask what a serious gamer is? I thought a serious gamer was one who
enjoyed playing games.
A "serious gamer" aka hardcore gamer aka core gamer is someone who
enjoys playing the games typically associated with traditional gaming
systems - games that are "too complicated" for people who don't play
games very often.

You would think that it would be a reflection of how much you play
games rather than what type of games you play but that's not the case.
If you played Wii Sports 8 hours a day for a year, you would still be
considered a casual gamer because you're playing a casual game.

It's probably more accurate to say that the Xbox 360 has the most
games of the genres that are typically associated with traditional
gaming systems.
And I'd still go for Wii
XBox 360 has Project Gotham Racing, which is a brilliant car game, other
than that ... not much I like. I thought I'd enjoy some of the RPGs, but
they are not the traditional style RPG's I love (Shining Force style)
2008-08-11 15:30:46 UTC
I have XBox 360 and Wii myself. PS3 I don't have, because it was so much
more expensive than the others.
Wii has the best controller and also in my opinion the best games (Metroid
Prime 3, Zelda)
It seems like you're a diehard Nintendo fan in which case the Nintendo
Wii would be the logical choice for you. I happen to love the Zelda
and Mario franchises as well so I've gotten a decent amount of gaming
time out of my Nintendo Wii.
XBox 360 is a poorly designed console from what I heard, but my console
still runs okay. Maybe it's 1080p that makes the machine die, not sure,
cause I use 720p and it has worked without problem for me for about 1 year
or so. I do not like most of the games though. The best games I played on
it, is actually Bejeweled 2.
Bejeweled 2 is annoying. I can't get any achievements on it despite
getting through quite a few levels. I gave up on that game a while
ago. I liked Hexic a lot better, anyway.

Gears of War is a great game as is BioShock. Zelda, Mario Galaxy and
Metroid Prime are great throwback type games but they are not as
"mature" and "sophisticated" as the games on the Xbox 360 and the
Playstation 3 (Uncharted, for example).

There's a place for all types of games, though, which is why it's best
to have all three systems and not be tied down.
PS3's game trailers I've seen are horrible. Very poor framerate it looks
like. But I would like one for the Blu-Ray player. Never liked the Sony
consoles (I usually buy their TV's)
There's really no way for you to say that Wii games are the best and
then criticize Sony games for framerate issues LOL. Games like
Uncharted, MGS4, Unreal Tournament, COD4, etc. blow away anything on
the Wii as far as framerate.
Thought the Wii has less details in graphics department, it's by far the
most fun console (can also download one of my favourite games on it ...
Shining Force)
That depends on what you consider fun. There are plenty of gamers who
don't find playing Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Mario Kart, etc. fun.
My choice would be a Wii for gameplay and the genius controller (Also want
the Wii Fit board, look fun)
What is a genius controller?
I don't want to start any flame war or anything but I just wondered if
anyone can tell me just a few pro's and con's of each of these three
games systems in comparison to each other between the PS3, XBOX 360
and Wii? And what your preference is if you had to choose just only
one of them.
John- Hide quoted text -
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Vidar Olavesen
2008-08-11 22:31:28 UTC
There's really no way for you to say that Wii games are the best and then
criticize Sony games for framerate issues LOL. Games like Uncharted, MGS4,
Unreal Tournament, COD4, etc. blow away anything on the Wii as far as
Hmmm ... maybe for US ... I have only seen the trailer for European version
and it was annoyingly choppy, but I do see on Youtube that it looks better
than the commercial I saw. My apologies ... same applies for the only other
game I seen commercial for, don't know name of game, but it's a car game in
some desert ... very poor, but maybe also only on European machines or the
trailers were just not good. Still, can not fault framerate of MP3 though
... steady
What is a genius controller?
A brilliantly designed controller ... only thing .. it should have been
wireless between the Wiimote and the Nunchuk

Now will soon see some of the games on PS3 myself, because now it's getting
cheaper in Norway, so I think I want to buy one and check out Unchartered
Glenn Shaw
2008-08-12 02:06:34 UTC
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 00:31:28 +0200, Vidar Olavesen wrote:

Post by Vidar Olavesen
... same applies
for the only other game I seen commercial for, don't know name of game,
but it's a car game in some desert ... very poor, but maybe also only on
European machines or the trailers were just not good.
Car game in a desert... hmm, I can hazard only three guesses: Motorstorm,
Race Driver: Grid, or Colin McRae: DIRT. (Curiously, the latter two games
are published by the same company, Codemasters.)
Glenn Shaw • Indianapolis, IN USA
To reply by e-mail, swap the net and cast
2008-08-12 14:35:39 UTC
Post by Vidar Olavesen
There's really no way for you to say that Wii games are the best and then
criticize Sony games for framerate issues LOL. Games like Uncharted, MGS4,
Unreal Tournament, COD4, etc. blow away anything on the Wii as far as
Hmmm ... maybe for US ... I have only seen the trailer for European version
and it was annoyingly choppy, but I do see on Youtube that it looks better
than the commercial I saw. My apologies ... same applies for the only other
game I seen commercial for, don't know name of game, but it's a car game in
some desert ... very poor, but maybe also only on European machines or the
trailers were just not good. Still, can not fault framerate of MP3 though
... steady
The Playstation 3 systems in Europe and the United States are the
same. There are no framerate differences. It's possible that the
footage shown in the commercials you saw was just bad although I'd be
surprised that Sony didn't catch something like that.
Post by Vidar Olavesen
What is a genius controller?
A brilliantly designed controller ... only thing .. it should have been
wireless between the Wiimote and the Nunchuk
Nintendo is releasing an attachment that allows for a wireless
connection between the two.

The Wiimote is far from a genius controller. The Wii system as a whole
represents innovation as far as user interaction goes but the
controller isn't a "genius controller." There's a very real and very
obvious limit to the types of games you can play with the Wiimote/
nunchuk combination.
Post by Vidar Olavesen
Now will soon see some of the games on PS3 myself, because now it's getting
cheaper in Norway, so I think I want to buy one and check out Unchartered
Uncharted is the best exclusive on the Playstation 3.
